
poster for event


Runs from Thursday June 26 2025 to Friday June 27 2025

Approximate running time: 2 hours


Darke Hall
2255 College Avenue
Regina SK S4P 0S9

Event Notes

× a community telling of Pawâkan Macbeth
An Akpik Theatre Production

a community telling of Pawâkan Macbeth, presented by Akpik Theatre, is Reneltta Arluk’s groundbreaking reimagining of Shakespeare’s darkest play into Cree history, legend, and cosmology. It is a terrifying journey through love, greed, honour, and betrayal, with coyote howlers teaching us that resurgence requires balance.

Part of the Darke Hall Presents Series.

Tickets are $50 including fees and taxes. A limited number of economy seats are available for $30 including fees and taxes, which are indicated by the pink seats on the seating map. Seating is assigned. For accessible seating needs, please call the Box Office at 306-523-2751.

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